A quick note

This blog contains images of birds of prey & their prey.

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Can you see it - moult update 2

Day 36 Of the moult

Just snapped a photo of Glen's new tail feather, and it's good to see Glen has officially began growing his new adult feathers. 

Day 22
A better picture of the new feather growing, whilst I've got him out of his house. 
The small white lump on his older feather is where I fixed it earlier in the season, after him bending it out of place. 

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Moult progress

Day 13 of Glens moult.

2:15PM in the aviary, Glen has dropped his first feathers,
with all the sunshine and heat over the previous days have kick started his moult.
It should take approximately 5 to 7 days until his next set of flight feathers drop.

Glen has been dining on fine food from chicken and pheasant, to rabbit and quail. Heck he's getting better food than me! A good varied diet for him to eat everyday, should give Glen more nutrition than he needs, to help him grow strong healthy new feathers. Just a shame the last couple of days the weather has been rather miserable, we want the sun and heat back to help those new feathers grow!

Friday, 23 May 2014

A new bath for Glen

I've just had a new bath delivered for Glen today!
His old one was a plastic paddling pool but now he's got a brand new fiberglass one from Crown falconry!

Saturday, 10 May 2014

The end, as we know it.

Not to sound too dramatic but today was the last day of flying Glen. He's flown brilliantly, although we didn't catch anything he had plenty of chases into thick cover, and some of the best soaring he has ever done, making today a good day to end with.
The reason for stop flying Glen is so he can rest over summer whilst he goes through his moult.

Flying and training Glen has been such an experience for me, from the fist day of getting him off the breeder and seeing his little face not knowing where he was or who I was, to flying alongside me and looking forward seeing me every morning, and hunting with me and other Harris hawks.

The hard part for me is what to do whilst he is in moult! But he will see me every day passing his house to drop off food late morning and tea time, and doing other jobs around the garden.

I will try and keep you posted how he is progressing through his moult, and when re-training starts.