A quick note

This blog contains images of birds of prey & their prey.

Monday 31 March 2014

Not much to do

It's been a boring time since we caught the last rabbit with this weather, and Glen's been raring to go. 

So today we got back out and had some fun. 

Monday 24 March 2014

The 2nd one

We've had a great day again, Glens been out with his mate Jasper (another male Harris Hawk), and me with my mate and mentor.

Glen has chased after another rabbit and led a chase on a pigeon, with Jasper following in close pursuit. Near the end Glen needed feeding some more food so Jasper went a shorter route. Me and Glen headed off to do so some more flying through a field, but, when Glen was coming up to me he suddenly changed course.

He just managed to grab a young rabbit as it was heading down its hole, so he's fed up on that and after sorting out Glen's equipment we went to brag to Jasper, and Glen's other palls (other hawks & falcons).

Glens on a role, but the weather forecast don't look too good again, for the coming week.

Tuesday 11 March 2014


Just been out today hunting for rabbits with Glen, and after all the weeks since he got the pheasant, we finally catch again!!!

He's chased a bird, a mouse then he managed to bag him self a Adult Rabbit!
its his 1st rabbit he's caught and it was a magnificent chase!